Rendered by eventlog2html 0.11.0
No heap profile, created at 2023-03-31, 10:03 UTC by /home/matt/eventlog2html/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.4.3/eventlog2html-0.9.3/x/eventlog2html/noopt/build/eventlog2html/eventlog2html /home/matt/ghc-memory/ghc.eventlog +RTS -lT
No heap profile, created at 2023-03-31, 10:03 UTC by /home/matt/eventlog2html/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.4.3/eventlog2html-0.9.3/x/eventlog2html/noopt/build/eventlog2html/eventlog2html /home/matt/ghc-memory/ghc.eventlog +RTS -lT
Heap Size
Total size of megablocks allocated by the RTS
Blocks Size
Total size of blocks allocated by the RTS
Live bytes
Total size of objects live on the heap (should match top of area pane)

Process memory usage (as reported by the OS) should correspond roughly to the heap size, except for data allocated through the FFI (and the RTS also calls malloc() itself in a few places).

When heap profiling is enabled, blocks size and live bytes will typically differ by the size of the nursery. For understanding the relationship between blocks size and live bytes, this blog post contains more information.

When heap profiling is not enabled, live bytes will be updated only on a major GC, but heap size and blocks size are updated more frequently. (Enabling heap profiling causes more frequent major GCs to collect heap samples.)

This view can also be useful in identifying fragmentation. A very badly fragmented heap will have low live bytes but much higher blocks size.

This eventlog was generated without heap profiling.

To create a heap profile, you need to run the program with one of the +RTS -h... options. The -hT (closure type) and -hi (info table) heap profiling options are available for all programs. If you compile with profiling enabled, more options are available.

See the GHC user's guide on profiling memory usage for more information.

The cost centres view is available only when executing the program with +RTS -hc.

No detailed data to display.

Total Allocations: 1104004872
Allocations Ticked (%): 10.11
LabelFVsArgsAllocsAllocs (%)AllocdAllocd #EntriesAllocs/EntriesAllocd #/Entries
doOneHtml{v r3dC} (Main) (fun)SLL72000172None
sat_s62b{v} (Main) (fun) in r3dCSLM32000132None
sat_s61U{v} (Main) (fun) in r3dCS64000164None
sat_s62X{v} (Main) (fun)M1360001136None
sat_s62I{v} (Main) (fun) in s62XSL40000140None
Eventlog.Args.files{v r8} (fun)S000010None
Eventlog.Args.userColourScheme{v rk} (fun)S000010None
Eventlog.Args.traceEvents{v rj} (fun)S00001090None
Eventlog.Args.json{v rc} (fun)S000010None
Eventlog.Args.noIncludejs{v re} (fun)S000010None
Eventlog.Args.heapProfile{v ra} (fun)S000010None
Eventlog.Args.nBands{v rd} (fun)S000010None
sat_s29V{v} (Eventlog.Args) (fun)EEIMEEEEESMLLML1280001128None
sat_s29F{v} (Eventlog.Args) (fun)S16000116None
Eventlog.Data.generateJsonData{v rMT3} (fun)SS7520001752None
Eventlog.Data.generateJsonValidate{v rMT4} (fun)>LS56000156None
sat_sN1a{v} (Eventlog.Data) (fun) in rMT4S>S1120001112None
sat_sN0N{v} (Eventlog.Data) (fun) in sN1aT16000116None
Eventlog.Types.hCount{v r8aV} (fun)S000020None
Eventlog.Types.hHeapProfileType{v r8aX} (fun)S000010None
Eventlog.Types.shortDescription{v r8aK} (fun)S000010None
Eventlog.Types.profTickySamples{v r8bw} (fun)S000010None
Eventlog.Types.profTraces{v r8bz} (fun)S000010None
parseFrame{v rl5l} (Eventlog.Total) (fun)S192000296None
sat_slsQ{v} (Eventlog.Total) (fun) in rl5lS64000232None{v rkF7} (fun)L1920001192None
prune{v rm7b} (Eventlog.Prune) (fun)ISM2960001296None
bound{v rm7c} (Eventlog.Prune) (fun)I000010None
Eventlog.Prune.pruneBands{v rm4L} (fun)S48000148None
Eventlog.Bands.bands{v rwgJ} (fun)SML1680001168None
sat_sxmV{v} (Eventlog.Bands) (fun) in rwgJ+MLSS2320001232None
sat_sxmU{v} (Eventlog.Bands) (fun) in sxmV+MSLS2320001232None
sat_sxmS{v} (Eventlog.Bands) (fun) in sxmUSS40000140None
sat_sxmR{v} (Eventlog.Bands) (fun) in sxmSSS24000124None
sat_sxmK{v} (Eventlog.Bands) (fun) in sxmU+SMST3200002160None
addFrame{v rnCQ} (Eventlog.Events) (fun)WS2160001216None
Eventlog.Events.chunk{v rnvS} (fun)SL96000196None
sat_sqkN{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in rnvSSS174400011744None
sat_sqkM{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqkNT3200001320None
sat_sqaF{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqkNSSS374760563.3900314488119None
sat_sq0C{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqaFWWS29120960.260016546176None
sat_sq18{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqaFWWS47649600.430016545288None
sat_sq1E{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqaFWWS47649600.430016545288None
sat_sq2a{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqaFWWS2275200079288None
sat_sq3k{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqaFSS5120001512None
sat_sq3e{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sq3kL1520001152None
sat_sq2M{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sq3kL120000340None
sat_sq3L{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqaFLS1920001192None
sat_sq4d{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqaFWS1760001176None
sat_sq08{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqaFWS553498885.0100314488176None
sat_sqdX{v} (Eventlog.Events) (fun) in sqkNSSMSMI1280001128None
$cfrom{v rz65} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun)S144000272None
$ctoJSON{v rz6T} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun)S48000224None
$ctoJSONList{v rz6W} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun)L1040001104None
sat_sza7{v} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun,se) in rz6WL>.24000124None
$ctoJSONList1{v rz7w} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun)L1040001104None
sat_szbR{v} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun,se) in rz7wL>.24000124None
$cfrom2{v rz7B} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun)S23881680.21003316972None
$ctoJSON2{v rz8q} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun)S7960560.07003316924None
$ctoJSONList2{v rz8t} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun)L1040001104None
sat_szdx{v} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun,se) in rz8tL>.24000124None
Eventlog.Vega.bandsToVega{v rywJ} (fun)MT2800001280None
go{v szfz} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun) in rywJS+SIITL2080001208None
sat_szfM{v} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun) in szfzISS+SI2880002144None
Eventlog.Vega.heapToVega{v rywK} (fun)S2720001272None
ds4{v szgB} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun) in rywKSIL15883200.14001654695None
ds4{v szgn} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun) in rywKSIL75840008094None
ds4{v szg9} (Eventlog.Vega) (fun) in rywKSIL15883200.14001654695None
Eventlog.HtmlTemplate.insertColourScheme{v rNrB} (fun)S2320001232None
Eventlog.HtmlTemplate.insertJsonData{v rNrC} (fun)M3040001304None
Eventlog.HtmlTemplate.htmlHeader{v rNrA} (fun)MMS6480001648None
Eventlog.HtmlTemplate.template{v rNrJ} (fun)SMMMS2640001264None
Eventlog.HtmlTemplate.templateString{v rNrK} (fun)SMMMS56000156None
LabelFVsArgsAllocsAllocs (%)AllocdAllocd #EntriesAllocs/EntriesAllocd #/Entries
No heap profile, created at 2023-03-31, 10:03 UTC by /home/matt/eventlog2html/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.4.3/eventlog2html-0.9.3/x/eventlog2html/noopt/build/eventlog2html/eventlog2html /home/matt/ghc-memory/ghc.eventlog +RTS -lT