Indexed Optics
Posted on April 10, 2017
What is an indexed optic? It is an optic which gives you access to an index whilst performing updates.
It is a simple clear generalisation of a lens but the implementation looks quite complicated. This is due to the desire to reuse the same combinators for both non-indexed and indexed variants. We we will start by explaining a simplified implementation of indexed optics before the technique used in order to reuse the same combinators as ordinary optics.
Simple Implementation
As a first approximation, we will augment the updating function with an additional index which we will then subsequently refine.
type PrimitiveIndexedTraversal i s t a b
= forall f . Applicative f => (i -> a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)
Implementing optics by hand gives a good intuition for the types involved.
pair :: PrimitiveIndexedTraversal Int (a, a) (b, b) a b
pair iafb (a0, a1) = (,) <$> iafb 0 a0 <*> iafb 1 a1
The implementation is exactly the same as a normal traversals apart from we also pass an index to each call of the worker function. Note that we have a lot of choice about which indices we choose. We could have indexed each field with a boolean or in the opposite order. For lists, we need to use a helper function which passes an index to each recursive call.
list :: PrimitiveIndexedTraversal Int [a] [b] a b
list iafb xs = go xs 0
go [] _ = pure []
go (x:xs) n = (:) <$> iafb n x <*> go xs (n+1)
There are all the usual combinators to work with indexed traversals as normal traversals but one of the most useful ones to see what is going on is itoListOf
which converts an indexed traversal into a list of index-value pairs.
itoListOf :: ((i -> a -> Const [(i, a)] b) -> s -> (Const [(i, a)] t))
-> s -> [(i, a)]
itoListOf t s = getConst $ t (\i a -> Const [(i, a)]) s
> itoListOf pair (True, False)
[(0, True), (1, False)]
We monomorphise the argument so that we we don’t have to use a variant of cloneTraversal
in order to work around impredicative types.
We can also turn an ordinary traversal into an indexed traversal by labelling each element with the order in which we traverse it. In order to do so we need to define an applicative functor which when traversed with will perform the labelling ultimately returning an indexed traversal.
newtype Indexing f s = Indexing { runIndexing :: (Int -> (Int, f s))}
instance Functor f => Functor (Indexing f) where
fmap f (Indexing fn) = Indexing (over (_2 . mapped) f . fn)
instance Applicative f => Applicative (Indexing f) where
pure x = Indexing (\i -> (i, pure x))
(Indexing fab) <*> (Indexing fa)
= Indexing (\i ->
let (i', ab) = fab i
(i'', a) = fa i'
in (i'', ab <*> a))
Then traversing with this applicative functor supplies the index to each function call which we can pass to our indexed updating function.
indexing :: Traversal s t a b -> PrimitiveIndexedTraversal Int s t a b
indexing t p s = snd $ runIndexing
(t (\a -> Indexing (\i -> (i + 1, p i a) )) s) 0
A common pattern is to use indexing
and traverse
together to create indexed traversals for Traversable
functors. It is so common that it is given a special name traversed
traversed :: Traversable t => PrimitiveIndexedTraversal (t a) (t b) a b
traversed = indexing traverse
> itoListOf traversed (Just 5)
[(0, 5)]
However, there are two problems with this representation.
- Indexed optics do not compose with ordinary optics.
- We need a different composition operator other than (
) in order to compose indexed optics together.
Composing indexed and ordinary optics
Considering the first problem, in order to compose an indexed optic with an ordinary optic using function composition we would need to be able to unify i -> a -> b
with s -> t
Given an ordinary optic op
and an indexed optic iop
with the following types:
op . iop
is the only composition which type checks. It yields an indexed traversal which keeps track of the index of the inner component.
However, composition the other way around doesn’t work and further with this representation indexed optics do not compose together with .
. In order to compose indexed optics together with .
we need to be able to unify the argument and result type of the lens together. In order to do this, we abstract away from the the indexed argument of the updating function for any Indexable
Using this class, the type for indexed traversals becomes:
type IndexedTraversal i s t a b =
forall f p . (Applicative f, Indexable i p) => p a (f b) -> s -> f t
There are instances for the newtype wrapped indexed functions which we were using before
newtype Indexed i a b = Indexed { runIndexed :: i -> a -> b }
instance (Indexable i (Indexed i)) where
index (Indexed p) = p
but also for (->)
which ignores the index. This means that we can seamlessly use optics with or without the index by instantiating p
with either Indexed
or ->
Now op . iop
yields an indexed traversal, iop . op
forces us to instantiate p = (->)
and so yields a traversal which has forgotten the index. Perhaps most surprisingly, the composition iop . iop
type-checks as well, but again we loose information as we are forced to instantiate p = (->)
and thus forget about the indexing of the outer traversal.
This is a double edged sword. Composing using .
leads to more code reuse as the same combinators can be used for both indexed and non-indexed optics. On the other hand, composing indexed optics using .
is nearly always the wrong thing if you care about the indices.
A different composition operator
Composing together indexed optics with the normal lens composition operator .
leads to unexpected results as the indices are not combined appropriately. The index of the inner-most optic of the composition is preserved whilst the outer indexing is thrown away. It would be more desirable to combine the indices together in order to retain as much information as possible.
To that end we define <.>
which can compose indexed optics together whilst suitably combining their indices.
(<.>) :: Indexable (i, j) p
=> (Indexed i s t -> r)
-> (Indexed j a b -> s -> t)
-> p a b -> r
(istr <.> jabst) p
= istr (Indexed (\i s ->
jabst (Indexed (\j a ->
indexed p (i, j) a)) s))
The definition monomorphises the argument again in order to avoid inpredicativity problems.
Generalisations are possible which combine indices in other ways but this simple combination function highlights the essence of the approach.
What are indexed optics useful for?
Now that is a question which I will have to defer to reddit comments. I couldn’t find many libraries which were using the indexing in interesting ways.